We scoured our blogs for the most popular, most informative, and just downright oddest pieces from the past year. In case you missed them on the first go-round, here are our top 3 Visit Malone picks. Enjoy!
#3. Great Day In Chateaugay
Just ten minutes away from Malone, you'll discover the village of Chateaugay (pronounced Shad-ah-gay - we know you'll feel better going there knowing that.). The oldest settlement in Franklin County, having been established in 1799,there's some very interesting things in it that can be found nowhere else around. From the wind farm, to a mysterious chasm, to a famous cheese factory it's well-worth visiting, are you ready to check it out?
#2. Proudly Made In Malone
The Malone area has grown an amazing variety of contributors to American industry. From clever inventors to devoted manufacturing legends, the area has a proud history and a unique present. From an 1835 railcar powered by a concealed horse, that ran at the incredible speed of 15 miles per hour, to "Malone pants," check out these unique locally made products.
#1. Haunted Fort Covington
Fort Covington is a hamlet only 20 minutes north of Malone, right at the Canadian border. Despite being a small town, with a long-standing reputation for the fineness of its farms, the area has three haunted sites. The town began as a blockhouse to shelter wounded soldiers during the War of 1812. It is named for General Leonard Covington, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Chrystler's Farm and died on a boat on his way to the then-named French Mills, in 1813. This is an appropriate beginning for a haunted area and a good jumping-off point for the stories that we've discovered!
Well, there you have it... our Top 3 Malone blogs of 2015. We can't wait to discover more in 2016! Here's to a great year ahead, cheers!
2015 year-end roundup: Top 3 blogs from around the ADKs.
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